Indian Journalists Forum (IJF) India’s leading body of journalists comprising a federation of state unions of journalists and associations across India, giving it strength to meet the growing challenges faced by the media. Foremost being support to foster a free, frank, fearless 4th estate with integrity.

Established on 18 June 2023, with its Registered office in New Delhi, the IJF is committed to stand up against each and every act by both State and non-State actors aimed to silence the media and gag the truth on the one hand and on the other perseveres in upholding stellar standards of journalism and ethics amongst its members. Over the decades and the rapidly changing media scenario, an important component of its functioning involves working towards the welfare of journalists i.e. better working conditions, decent salary/wages, gender equality, health insurance, pension schemes etc.  The IJF, per its Constitution is slated to meet every two years to elect its leadership and also prepare a roadmap at the Plenary. Between the Plenary, its National Executive Committee which is the apex body meets every quarter to carry forward its mandate. The IJF encourages State affiliates to be independent and organise collective action for issues concerning journalists and in turn join common cause international organisations to consolidate the fight for worthy causes.

The IJF does not have any political leanings and is an independent organisation of journalists solely to defend a non-aligned and responsible press. It is alert to changing times in this digital world, realises the impact of social media on both traditional and electronic forms and acts against all attacks on free media and journalists, whether employed full or part time or freelance. It makes its presence felt and has representation in Central and State Government institutions related to media such as the Press Council of India, Central Press Accreditation Committee as well as the International Federation of Journalists. The profession in India, like many other countries is facing grave challenges. Rising threats and attacks, fake and paid news, plagiarism, trolling, misinformation, propaganda, self-censorship, internet shutdowns, changing labour laws et al have changed the entire media landscape and its narrative. We need to guard against these aberrations, strive unrelentingly to contribute to upholding the core values of the profession and work towards the larger goal – of safeguarding democracy, promoting sustainable development, and defending people’s rights.

Given the trade union movement’s chequered history since 1950, wherein it has had its own share of travails and tribulation, including a parting of ways by groups at various stages, either due to ideological differences or a conflict of interest, the IJF stands committed to community building and its collective strength. The age old United we stand, Divided we fall, is a motto which continues to guide us and is our abiding principle. We march ahead In Solidarity; Deo Volente!

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